Sunday, June 30, 2013

refrigerator clean-out

I've never been a fan of leftovers.  So much so that I once had an agreement with a friend that lived down the street:  I would leave my leftovers from the night before at his doorstep as I passed by on my commute most mornings.  In return, he would come over at least once a week for dinner for which he bought the ingredients (and brought the wine - it's important to mention that!).  This agreement worked out pretty well for awhile.  But then I moved.  Sorry, leftover buddy!

In the time since,  I have become pretty proficient at cooking for just one or two people, buying and cooking just enough for the one meal.  I have rare need for a leftover buddy down the street, nowadays.

However, every now and again I have some leftovers, bits and pieces from meals the week before.  This week I found myself with some stewed tomatoes, cooked cannellini beans, a few meatballs.  Combine that with the random vegetable assortment from the days-ago trip to the grocery and a glass of wine from that bottle opened 2 days ago, and I have an easy Sunday night dinner.  And I was able to clean out the refrigerator in the meantime (I do love duel-purposed activities!).

Sunday dinners don't need to be fancy; they are a sort of cozy segue into the week ahead.  The more home-style, the better, in my opinion.  Luckily, casseroles, quick sautes, and other foods that are best eaten in a bowl are easily made from leftovers.  And the refrigerator is empty and ready for Monday's inspiration.

Tricks and Tips: 

Consider this a bit of a mystery basket challenge.  See what inventive things you can create with your leftovers.

Don't just re-heat leftovers; try to incorporate them into a completely new meal.  Leftover take-out Indian food?  Saute some vegetables and combine with the flavorful sauces.

If you have veggies on their last days, add them to an omelet or risotto. 

Be creative in your flavor combinations.  You may think "this" doesn't go with "that," but give it a try.  You may surprise yourself and create your new favorite meal!

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