Monday, March 18, 2013

filling the calendar

"Don't settle down and sit in one place. Move around, be nomadic, make each day a new horizon" Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild 

I don't sit still very well.  Every weekend, every holiday, every chance I get, I am out playing; A weekend warrior of sorts, I suppose.  Often, I even have an adventure scheduled before I return home from the latest one (it helps with the going-back-to-the-city-and-work blues).   Luckily, I have found a partner in adventure that feels the same way.  

An Ansel Adams calendar hangs on my sweetheart's wall, filled with our grand plans and weekend trips (not to mention an inspiring training journal). Since it is still sort of winter, there is a ski trip written into nearly every weekend square.  Those that aren't already reserved for skiing, we plan to climb, hike, and cycle our way around our local area, venturing our way to wine country, the coast, or warmer inland climes.


With something always penciled into the calendar and so much to see and experience around us, there is no need to ever sit in one place. 


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