Monday, April 22, 2013

act like a two-year-old

I had the wonderful opportunity to spend my birthday weekend with my family, which includes my nearly-two-year-old niece.

Perhaps I am feeling extra reflective as I celebrate growing another year older, but I feel there is a lot I can learn from her: She is so very happy; walking about, simply smiling to herself.  Celebrating in accomplishments big and small.  Incredibly curious and observant of all around her.  Taking pleasure in sitting to read.  Finding so much to be incredibly entertaining.  Laughing just to laugh.  Learning so many new things, every day.  Knowing when she is hungry and when she is not - and not eating things that aren't delicious just because they are on her plate (and in fact, not even wanting the "yuckies" on her plate!). 

She inspires me.  I think we could all benefit from "acting like a two-year-old" once in awhile.

Now if you will please excuse me, I'm off to find a puddle to splash in.

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