Saturday, January 5, 2013

the year of big ideas

When the new year rolls around, the term "resolution" is a bit of a turn-off to me.  Something about it makes me think of crowded January gyms and dwindling good intentions.  In recent years, I have preferred to think about my goals for the coming year, as opposed to things I hope to change.  This year, my sweetheart and I have referred to this new year optimism as the "year of big ideas," crediting the inspiration we have gained from many a Dirtbag Diary.
This blog was created out of the resolve to become a better photographer, and today, I come back with similar intentions.  While I do not intend to post a photo every day, I do intend to continue sharing with you some of my everyday observations, both in images and in words. 

Happy New Year, Friends.  I look forward to this journey into 2013 with all of you.  

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