One movie we have watched
So when thinking about making crepes for dinner, I couldn't help but be reminded of a scene from this movie. "Reecky Booby" is threatened by his French competitor, claiming he will break his arm unless he says he loves crepes. Adamantly against it, Ricky eventually realizes he does actually love crepes but refuses to say as much. "So what if you just said, 'I love really thin pancakes?' It's a fair compromise, no?" asks the competitor. Because of this movie, crepes have become "really thin pancakes" in my mind.
And before you sit down to enjoy your really thin pancakes, it is good to say grace: "Dear 8 pound 6 ounce baby Jesus...."
(makes about 8 - 8" crepes)
1/4 cup garbanzo bean flour
1/4 cup oat flour
1 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/2 cup almond milk
2 T olive oil
Blend briefly (until just combined) in the jar of a blender.
In a nonstick pan that has been warmed over a medium flame, pour a small amount of batter (about 1/4-1/3 cup), swirling around the pan for coverage.
Let the crepe cook about a minute, or until no longer runny in the middle.
Gently slide a rubber spatula under one edge of the crepe to loosen.
Then pick up the crepe with both hands (don't worry, I promise it won't burn) and flip the crepe over.
Let cook another 20-30 seconds or until completely set.
Remove from the pan (go ahead, use your fingies! Just use the spatula to get it started so you don't touch the pan itself) and stack on a plate.
(but feel free to use whatever you like!)
Sauteed Greens
Blue Cheese
Figs, cut in half and seared in a hot nonstick pan
On a single crepe and down the middle, place a few crumbles of blue cheese, 2-3 fig halves, and a spoonful of sauteed greens.
Wrap the sides around the filling, leaving the ends open.
Sear on two sides (seam side and the one opposite) in a hot nonstick pan.
Sear on two sides (seam side and the one opposite) in a hot nonstick pan.
Transfer to your plate and enjoy!